Safety, Quality, Environmental, and Security Policies
Safety, Quality, Environmental, and Security Policies
澳博体育app下载 is committed to continuously improving its operations both ashore and afloat. We believe that in order to provide our customers with a quality service we must strive to make the operation safe and environmentally responsible. Continually improving the way we do business with regard to safety and the environment is just one step toward our ultimate goal of continuously improving the quality and overall level of service we provide to our customers.
澳博体育app下载 considers safety, quality, and environmental policies to be an integral part of our business. No job is considered effectively completed unless it is done safely and with consideration for its impact on the environment.
In support of these policies, 澳博体育app下载 is:
- Participating in government and industry forums and helping our employees to improve their understanding of the safety, quality, and environmental issues and risks associated with marine and over-land transportation.
- Assessing and, as appropriate, revising our management system to achieve our goals.
- Ensuring that employees understand 澳博体育app下载’s commitment to these policies.
- Setting appropriate objectives and monitoring our progress toward achieving our goals.
- Allocating sufficient resources to achieve our goals.
Safety Policy
Operations are not performed effectively unless they are also performed safely. To achieve effective and safe ship, terminal, and office environments, 澳博体育app下载 maintains and follows documented procedures.
If an operations activity is unsafe, the activity is stopped, addressed immediately, and appropriate action is taken to eliminate the risk of harm to 澳博体育app下载 employees. To ensure safety issues are addressed on a timely basis, the company underscores that it is the duty of each 澳博体育app下载 employee to bring unsafe conditions immediately to the attention of his or her supervisor.
Quality Policy
澳博体育app下载 and its subsidiaries are dedicated to meeting or exceeding customer expectations, thereby ensuring customer satisfaction. Effective management and a strong commitment from all 澳博体育app下载 employees to continually improve business processes enables 澳博体育app下载 to accomplish this goal.
澳博体育app下载’s quality policy objectives are to ensure that:
- Freight moves on the vessel, train, airplane, or truck of a customer’s choice in order to meet the customer’s availability requirements.
- Customers receive requested equipment (containers), in good order, when and where they want it.
- Customers are served by a knowledgeable and responsive sales and customer service staff.
- Freight is processed efficiently through our facilities.
- Customers receive accurate and timely invoices.
- Customer freight reaches its destination damage-free.
- Customers find it easy to do business with all 澳博体育app下载 companies.
Environmental Policy
澳博体育app下载 is committed to managing environmental matters as an integral part of our business. It is our policy to ensure the environmental integrity of our processes, vessels, and facilities. We do so by adhering to the following principles:
We meet or exceed applicable federal, state, and local legislative and regulatory requirements. Strict compliance with these environmental standards is the key ingredient to the success of our environmental program.
Where we believe existing laws and regulations do not provide adequate controls to ensure the protection of the environment, we establish and adhere to our own, more stringent standards.
澳博体育app下载’s goals are to improve the condition of our environment, prevent pollution and reduce the amount of waste generated by our activities.
澳博体育app下载 strives to minimize the risk to the environment in which we operate and to the surrounding communities by employing reasonably available technology, adhering to operating procedures, and being prepared for emergencies.
Security Policy
澳博体育app下载 firmly believes that security is integral to our business operations. With a thorough, well-integrated, and responsive security policy, we can ensure our domestic and global security efforts are compliant or exceed various laws and regulations, helping to protect 澳博体育app下载’s people, assets, cargoes, brand, and competitive position.
To accomplish this, we will maintain an internal culture of security coupled with numerous external partnerships with regulators, security programs, industry groups, and customers. This will allow 澳博体育app下载 to maintain a strong security foundation along with the flexibility to constantly improve.
In order to seek ways that we can continuously improve, we communicate our commitment to our employees and our customers. We solicit their input to help us reach our goals and we offer our assistance to our employees and our customers to help them meet their goals.